Plans for a new ‘woodland plaza’ have been set out as part of the Waterbeach Barracks redevelopment. 

The plaza is proposed to be created outside the planned new primary school, and aims to create a community space, as well as an area for “play and adventure”. 

Outline plans to build up to 6,500 new homes on the Waterbeach Barracks and Airfield site were approved by South Cambridgeshire District Council in 2019. 

Two detailed applications for parts of the site – one for 89 homes and the other for 111 homes – were given approval in 2021, with construction of these currently underway. 

Ely Standard: Illustrative image of what the proposed primary school plaza at the Waterbeach Barracks redevelopment could look like.Illustrative image of what the proposed primary school plaza at the Waterbeach Barracks redevelopment could look like. (Image: Planning Documents)

The latest application that has been submitted by the Secretary of State for Defence and Civic Waterbeach Limited, shows what the proposed primary school plaza could look like. 

Plans for the primary schools itself are currentlly being considered by Cambridgeshire County Council. 

In documents submitted as part of the application it said the plaza would hope to create a “functional and attractive arrival and community space which will change and grow over time.” 

It said: “The landscape design principles seek to balance the day to day functional aspects of the school; drop off, pick up, visitor access and cycle parking, access through clear legible routeways to clear and legible entrances to the school; but to also make the approach to the school to feel special. 

Ely Standard: Illustrative image of what the proposed primary school plaza at the Waterbeach Barracks redevelopment could look like.Illustrative image of what the proposed primary school plaza at the Waterbeach Barracks redevelopment could look like. (Image: Planning Documents)

“To do this the proposals draw on the adjacent landscape characteristics, wrapping the woodland character into the space and creating a ‘woodland clearing’ through which the school emerges and is well bedded.” 

It added: “Through careful transition of character from woodland edge to open meadow and then ornamental planting the school is framed and the approach enhanced. 

“The small but meaningful school plaza sits within this green landscape infrastructure and can be used as a gathering space for small events.” 

The plans added that smaller paths through the plaza will provide opportunity for “play and adventure”.