A preschool in Ely has received a ‘good’ rating following a recent inspection from Ofsted.

Kids Club Ely – which has 105 children aged two to 11 at the setting – was rated good in all areas following the inspection on February 24.

The inspector’s report states that staff “work well together as an effective team, providing a calm and relaxed atmosphere that helps children feel safe and secure.

"Staff plan and provide exciting activities relating to children’s emerging interests.”

It added that “staff meet regularly to review children’s progress and achievements” and that “they support children well to help them make good progress in their learning and development.

“For example, children vote which story staff read during circle time and they read the story with enthusiasm and use good intonation to help captivate children’s interest and attention.”

Speaking of the report, manager at Kids Club Ely, Sam Burns, said: “We are proud to announce that we were awarded an overall effectiveness rating of good!

“The inspector commented on the calm and relaxed atmosphere that helps the children feel safe and secure.”

The report added that “Children are happy, independent, behave well and engage confidently with staff who know them all well.

"They learn the key skills they need to succeed in their future lives and in readiness for the move to school, and follow the good set of examples set by staff who carefully remind them of the rules and boundaries.”

The report also said that “children are confident in making choices for themselves and independently explore the environment, both inside and outside."

When hearing parents’ views on the preschool, the report said “parents are positive about the preschool and staff, stating that they receive regular information about their child’s day and the progress they make in their learning and development.”

Sam added: “It was also noted how happy and engaged our children are and that our staff work together as an effective team.

“We have worked very hard to achieve this and couldn’t be happier!”

The preschool, registered in 2018, employs 12 members of childcare staff.