Cllr Lucius Vellacott, ECDC councillor for Soham South, gives an update on the local bus service.

We are thrilled that a demand-responsive bus service will operate across East Cambs, with stops in both Wicken and Upware.

Because of our tireless campaigning and negotiation with the Combined Authority, East Cambs residents will soon be able to telephone for a £2 public transport journey across the district.

It is far from ideal, but let me be clear: rural dwellers must use it or lose it, which will strengthen our case for a timetabled service via Wicken.

Information and a map of the stops is available by searching for ‘CPCA Tiger On Demand’ online. The service is scheduled to begin in the next few weeks.

The service is being provided by the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority.The service is being provided by the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority. (Image: CAPCA)

East Cambridgeshie District Council is ready to help after the budget, particularly with Pension Credit applications and other community advice services. The Conservative council administration has frozen our portion of Council Tax for 11 years, to do our bit for residents’ pockets.

ECDC has recently taken control of the Housing Register, to make it easier for residents to find appropriate accommodation and give them more choice. We are also continuing to assist residents on low incomes via our new Household Support Fund.

In Soham, a wonderful Remembrance Parade and service was held on November 10. The town is so grateful to the Soham RBL for their work as always. It is always an incredibly moving day and makes everyone very proud of our community.

We are very fortunate as well to have installed a dementia-friendly bench outside the Co-op.

When proposals like the Sunnica solar farm, Ely’s closed-doors 20mph decision and a Cambridge Congestion Charge taking up so much airtime in our local politics, it can feel like our true priorities get pushed to one side. We will always stand up for the views of local communities.

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