Thousands of people experienced Ely’s annual firework display in Chery Hill Park on Saturday November 2.

Michael Judkins, from the Ely Community Events Team (ECET), said it was a "fabulous and memorable evening.

"We would like to thank all who helped to make the event such a great success," he added.

"This includes all the ticket selling venues and their incredible staff, Ely Cathedral for providing the field facility, Louise Hulland of event partners Radio Cambridgeshire for her excellent presenting, 3D Events for providing a superb sound system, Grovemere Property for their invaluable help with the bonfire, IEC Medical for their site attendance, and all of those who volunteered their services as site stewards.

(Image: Veronica of the Fens) "Particular thanks also go to Fireworks Crazy for a truly spectacular display which kept everyone spellbound, and to our valued event sponsors, Cambridge Commodities.

"Congratulations to 2nd Beaver Ely Scouts for winning the guy competition, as judged by Mayor Chris Phillips, and who will receive a £100 prize for their inventive effigy.

"The evening has also produced, for the third year running, a record financial return.

"As in previous years, all surplus funds will be destined for the benefit of the local community.

(Image: Veronica of the Fens)"ECET will therefore now be embarking on identifying worthy and needy causes which can be usefully assisted.

"Any organisation, group, or even individual needing support, within Ely and its locality is invited to contact ECET should they wish to be considered for a donation from the money raised at this year’s event.

"ECET hope, by these means, to reach out to as many deserving people and organisations as possible.

"Anyone wishing to be considered is invited to contact ECET at

(Image: Veronica of the Fens) "Please give details about yourself, your group or organisation, and whether or not you would be looking to fund any particular project.

"If so, details of any funding target and amount raised so far. Priority will be given to those who have not previously benefited.

"All requests should be received by January 10, and will be considered at the ECET team meeting to be held during that same month."

(Image: Veronica of the Fens)