Yvonne Long reports on community news from across Soham.

Soham Community Group

Members of The Monday Club met at The Causeway Centre on October 7. The entertainment was Tim Young who spoke about Ladies of the Air. This was an interesting talk with slides about female pilots and their role in the past wars.

Carol Sennett gave out the announcements, and one of the volunteers celebrated a birthday and she was presented with a bouquet of flowers. The raffle came next, with Carol assisted by Ann Fleet giving out the prizes. Refreshments were served  and then it was time for bingo. Claire White was the caller, assisted by Jean checking the books and giving out the prizes, which had been donated by Andrew Fleet. 

Community Care Coffee Morning

On the morning October 8, Roger Holliday and David Jaye welcomed 19 people to the coffee morning in the Soham Pavilion. An outing to King's Lynn for Christmas shopping was discussed and arranged for November 5. Roger organised the raffle. Coffee mornings take place every Tuesday, from 9am to 11am.

Comrades Club Bingo

It was eyes-down once again for the bingo enthusiasts who meet in the Comrades Club each Tuesday evening. About 30 people took part on October 8. One member celebrated a birthday. During the break for refreshments, the raffle was organised. Everyone welcome to these bingo evenings, doors open at 7pm for eyes-down at 7.30pm.

Phoenix Club

Sheila Abbott welcomed everyone to the meeting at The Causeway on October 9. Sheila introduced the speaker for the meeting who was Geoff Fisher. He talked about the history of St Andrew's Church.

Geoff also read passages from a book on the history of Soham. Sheila gave the vote-of- thanks. Birthday greetings were sung to Yvonne Long and everyone enjoyed cake with tea or coffee.

Sheila had put together notes regarding the Neighbourhood Plan which she read out. The raffle came, next bringing the meeting to a close. The speaker at the next meeting on November 13 will be Harry Palmer. The Christmas lunch has been booked at the Cherry Tree for December 11.

Over 60s Club

Members of the club met in The Pavilion on October 11. Ruth Ginn welcomed everyone. She had put together a programme for the afternoon.  Three committee members celebrated birthdays in October:  chairman Roger Holliday, secretary Yvonne Long and speakers and entertainment member Ruth Ginn. They all received a card and a gift.

Poems by Bill Estelle  were read by Ruth and there was a short quiz. Cup cakes and chocolate bars were handed around to all the members .Roger organised the raffle and the meeting was brought to a close with the singing of the club hymn. The next meeting on October  18 and this will be a Hharvest meeting, from 2pm to 3.30pm. New members always welcome.

Methodists News

On October 11, a successful coffee morning was held in the Methodists Church Hall. There were lots of stalls to peruse as well as home-made refreshments. Ken Brown organised the raffle and Lesley Watchorn gave the vote-of-thanks. The next coffee morning is on November 8, from 10am till midday. 

There will be afternoon tea in the Church Hall on October 23, from 2.30pm to 4.30pm.

Big breakfast, 9.30am to 11.30 am on November 2. Book with Lesley Watchorn on: 01353 721669.