An East Cambridgeshire Basketball Club has lowered its minimum age to encourage more youngsters to take part in the sport.

The Mini Warriors team says children ages from seven can come along and try out the sport.

Basketball encourages gross motor skills, co-ordination and team work in young children and can be beneficial to their mental wellbeing.

The first session is free and the cost after that is £5 per session, after with an option to take out a full membership and enjoy participation in games against other teams in a mini league. 

The club promotes diversity and inclusion and anyone interested in taking part can contact the organisers and find out more.

Practice sessions are held at the Kings Ely Sports Hall on Wednesday evenings, from 6pm-7pm, and under 12's follow this from 7pm-8pm.  No booking is required, just make sure children arrive with a water bottle and sports footwear.

The club can cater for ages seven to 18 and there is more information on the club's website at: www.eastcambsbasketball.