An East Cambridgeshire Slimming World consultant hosted a party with his group members to celebrate his first full year of helping others to lose weight.

Simon Garth-Greeves decided to start his own group at Stretham Primary School - on Thursdays at 5.30pm and 7pm - after losing two-and-a-half stone himself.

"I had been doing Slimming World for 12 years after my wife and I saw photos of ourselves on holiday," he recalled of his own weight loss journey. 

"After a pause while our son was born, I rejoined in Stretham as a member and two-and-a-half-stone came off within six months."

Simon was then approached by one of the team developer's about being a consultant.

"I've not looked back since," he said, adding that one of his members lost four-and-a-half stone in 24 weeks.

With Slimming Wolrd being an official partner with Diabetes UK, Simon said he has also seen members turn their lives around pre-diabetes.

"I don't call it a job because I love it so much! he added" 

Call Simon on 07478 784697 for more information.