I write in reference to your story entitled 'Combined Authority to have Best Value Notice Lifted'.

The Ely Standard has pointed out that an external auditor in 2022 had "significant concerns" about the  Labour-led Combined Authority.

The Government issued a 'Best Value Notice' in January 2023 and this process was repeated again in January 2024.

Readers may wish to ask themselves if the non-renewal of the notice by the recently appointed Labour Government had more to do with politics than genuine improvements and achieving 'best value'.

Readers may cast their minds back and recall that the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority raised their precept by 200 per cent for 2024/25.

And what of the c.£1.1m spent on clearing up the mess caused by the culture that the mayor then had to apologise for?

Bill Hunt

Ely resident