Yvonne Long brings us her round-up of the community news from Soham.

Soham community Group 

Members of the Monday Club met at The Causeway Centre on Monday, September 9.

When everyone had arrived and was seated, the volunteers served refreshments. John Kay provided the entertainment, playing popular music on the keyboard with everyone enjoying a sing-along. A vote-of -thanks was given.

Lunch was served and everyone sang 'happy birthday' to Susan Hurrell.

Members were reminded about the stall at the Pumpkin Fair and that donations for the stall would be much appreciated. Pam Hall organised the raffle, she was assisted by Bet Hitchings giving out the prizes donated by the members of the club.

Refreshments were served once again and this was followed by games of bingo with Rosie Drage. Bingo prizes kindly donated by Andrew Fleet.

It was soon time for the members to be taken home by the voluntary drivers.

Community Care Coffee Morning

On the morning of Tuesday, September 10, 19 people met with Roger Holliday and David Jaye in the Soham Pavilion.

During the morning, Roger organised the raffle.

This session is an ideal opportunity to meet up with friends ,chat and catch up with the latest news. Coffee mornings are held on Tuesdays,  from 9am till 11am.

Comrades Club Bingo

On the evening of Tuesday September 10, the bingo enthusiasts met once again in the club for games of bingo. About 25 people enjoyed the evening.

During the break for refreshments, the raffle was organised. Doors open at 7pm, for eyes-down at 7.30pm.

Phoenix Club

Sheila Abbott welcomed everyone to the meeting at the Causeway Centre on the morning of Wednesday,  September 11.

Sheila introduced the speaker for the meeting who was Lesley Cuthbert, an advice and support worker with the charity Camsight.

Lesley gave a very interesting and informative account of her work which includes home visits to advise on benefits complete paper work on the client's behalf, apply for blue badges, advice on mobile equipment, give practical advice and support in the home and much more.

Members joined in a short quiz and Sheila gave the vote-of-thanks and gave Lesley a donation.

Refreshments were served and Sheila asked if members wished to go the Cherry Tree for Christmas lunch this year. Everone agreed and Sheila will now go ahead and book.

To bring the meeting to a close Yvonne Long told a humorous tale, and this was followed by a general knowledge quiz. The next meeting is on Wednesday, October 9 and the speaker was Geoff Fisher.

Knit and Knatter

On the afternoon of Thursday, September 12, 17 members of the club met in there new venue, the Soham Bowls Club room.

There was lots of chat while busy knitting cardigans and bonnets for premature babies, and blankets for the My Wish charity at West Suffolk Hospital.

Refreshment was served during the afternoon. These meetings will continue to meet at the bowls club every Thursday from 1.30pm to 4pm.

Over 60s Club

Ruth Ginn welcomed everyone to the meeting, including the return of Queenie Cox who was given a warm welcome.

The afternoon's entertainment was a member's afternoon arranged by secretary Yvonne Long.

Readings, humerous tales, solos and a member's sing-along were provided by Ruth Ginn, Yvonne Long, Queenie Cox and Roger Holliday.

Ruth thanked Yvonne for arranging the afternoon. Refreshments were served and Richard organised the raffle. The meeting closed with the singing of the club hymn.

Methodists News

A successful coffee morning was held in the church hall on the morning of September 13.

There were lots of stalls to peruse which included books, puzzles, bric-a-brac, tombola, nearly-new and the main draw and competitions. Home-made refreshments were available to enjoy with tea or coffee.

Kathy Barber was door steward and Lesley Watchorn organised the raffle and gave the vote-of-thanks to everyone evolved in the organising of this event. The next coffee morning is on October 11, from 10am till midday. 

Forthcoming events

From Wednesday, September 25, afternoon teas will be held in the church hall, from 2.30pm till 4.30pm. Is is £6.50p payable on the day. To book your place, contact Jo Heaps on: 01353 721145 or Lesley Watchorn on: 01353 721669


The food bank has now moved from St Andrew's Church to the Methodist Church Hall, from 10.30 till midday on Thursdays. 

Trefoild Guild

The Annual General Meeting was held in the Methodist Church hall on the afternoon of September 14. Following the business of the afternoon, refreshments were served. The speaker for this meeting was Peter Harris with his talk on his work in Cambodia. A vote-of-thanks was given.