Yvonne Long brings her weekly report on the activities of community groups in Soham.

Soham Community Group

On the morning of September 2, members of the Monday Club met at The Causeway Centre.

On arrival, visitors were served refreshments and the entertainment on this occasion was The Band of Ukes. Claire White gave the vote-of-thanks.

Lunch was served and there were a few birthdays and flowers were presented to Carol Brannan and Linda Knight who are volunteers.

Ann Fleet celebrated her birthday on the bank holiday also and birthday greetings were sung.

Claire organised the raffle, assisted by mum Jean who gave out the prizes which had all been donated by the members.

Refreshments were served once again, before games of bingo were played. The caller was Rosie Drage, assisted by Jean Gammon checking the books and giving out the prizes which had been donated by Andrew Fleet.

An announcement was given out that the club will be holding a stall at the Pumpkin Fair and the club is collecting prizes for the stall. 

Community Coffee Morning

Members of the coffee morning group met in The Pavilion on the morning of September 2. Visitors were welcomed by Roger Holliday and David Jaye.

There was lots of chat and laughter while meeting up with friends and catching up with the latest news. During the morning, Roger organised the raffle. These coffee mornings take place every Tuesday morning, from 9am to 11am.

Comrades Club Bingo

It was eyes-down at 7.30pm for the bingo players who meet in the club every Tuesday evening. On the evening of Tuesday, September 3, one member celebrated her birthday and greetings were sung. During the break for refreshments, the raffle took place. New members always welcome. Doors open at 7pm for eyes-down at 7.30pm.

Over 60s Club

Members of the club got together in The Pavilion on the afternoon of September 6. Ruth Ginn welcomed everyone, including guest James Wood and the speakers for the afternoon were Jill Pettit and Albie Maidment, from Emmaus, near Cambridge.

Jill started the afternoon with an update of what's happening at Emmaus and the challenges they are facing, including how they deal with the many vehicles dropping of donations at the centre.

At present, they have 45 companions living at Emmaus in independent accomadation, including new pods for single occupation. Jill then introduced Albie who has been at Emmaus and has been working as a chef for the past two years.

Albie told members a very sad and moving account of his life going back to childhood to the present when joining Emmaus which he said has virtually saved his life.

Members were invited to ask questions. Ruth gave the vote-of-thanks, and presented Jill with a donation. Members were reminded that there are still seats available for the outing to Cromer on September 18.

Refreshments were served and Roger Holliday organised the raffle. The meeting closed with the singing of the club hymn.