East Cambridgeshire District Council announced a referendum for the Cheveley Ward on September 12, 2024.

The 1534 registered voters will determine whether the local council should use the neighbourhood plan to make planning decisions.

Following the polls closure at 10pm, the votes will be counted at Cheveley Parish Hall.

The Deputy Counting Officer (DCO) will declare the results.

Journalists wishing to cover the count must confirm their attendance by midday on September 6 by contacting the Communications Team.

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The count will be conducted with segregated areas for efficiency, with the DCO guiding the process.

Strict regulations relating to maintaining voter secrecy, detailed in Section 66 of the Representation of the People Act 1983, will be adhered to.

The Council has reminded voters to bring accepted voter ID in order to vote in person at the polling station.

Proxy voters must also bring their own photographic ID.

More information on the accepted forms of IDs can be found on the Council’s website.

Voters can also find their polling station by visiting the official East Cambridgeshire District Council website.