Yvonne Long brings readers the weekly round-up of club news from Soham.

Trefoil Guild

Maureen Doggett welcomed everyone to the meeting in Soham Library. Maureen was very pleased to introduce Abigail Baker, granddaughter of Ruth Ginn, who is a student of West Suffolk College.

Abigail was among 16 students to be selected to travel to Cambodia where she was able to help teach children. Her illustrated talk was excellent and very interesting. Maureen gave the vote-of-thanks. During the morning refreshments were served.

Community Coffee Morning

On the morning of Tuesday,  August 27, Roger Holliday and David Jaye were very pleased to welcome 23 people to the coffee morning. There was lots of chat while meeting up with friends and catching up with the latest news.

Jean Jackson had brought along a container of plums which were shared among the members. Roger organised the raffle. New members always welcome on Tuesdays, from 9am till 11am.

Comrades Club Bingo

On the evening of Tuesday, August 27, an evening of bingo was enjoyed by about 25 people who meet each week in the Comrades Club. During the break for refreshments, the raffle took place. New members always welcome, doors open at 7pm for eyes-down at 7.30pm.

Over 60s Club

Ruth Ginn welcomed everyone including guest Debbie Bullman, to the meeting in The Pavilion on the afternoon of Friday, August 30.

Roger Holliday took names for the outing to Cromer on September 18. Ruth welcomed Pat, Michael, Martin and Marion who are the Causeway Folk Singers from Burwell. 

Some members had been given tambourines to join. Martin read a poem entitled The Bench By the Sea. The afternoon finished with a rousing rendition of Pork and Beans.

Ruth gave the vote-of-thanks and presented them with a donation. Refreshments were served followed by Roger organising the raffle. The speaker on Friday, will be John from Emmaus.

The meeting closed with the singing of the club hymn. The club is always looking for new speakers and entertainment. If you can help, please contact Ruth Ginn on: 01353 720128.

Forthcoming events

Methodists coffee morning in the church hall on Friday, September 13, from 10am till midday. Everyone welcome.

Phoenix Club

The next meeting is on Wednesday, September 11 at The Causeway at 9.30am for 10am start. New members all welcome.