Ely Rotary Club members were able to learn about a local food bank's vital role in the community.

On August 22, members of the club were informed about the foodbank charity in a detailed talk by Marina Allpress.

A Trussell Trust initiative, the foodbank provides food, essential supplies, and socio-economic support for families struggling with challenges such as low income, high living expenses or health difficulties.

In Ely, the foodbank operates from The Countess of Huntingdon Chapel twice a week.

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Visitors to its Tuesday and Friday sessions are treated to a café-like environment complete with complimentary coffee and cake, as well as accessible counselling services.

Support packages comprise a three-day food supply.

Last year, the Ely food bank handed out 73,649 kilograms of food, 5460 kg of non-food items and fulfilled 3379 vouchers, assisting 3303 children and 5198 adults.

Allpress revealed the quantity of Foodbanks nationally is on par with the count of McDonald's outlets.

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The Ely Foodbank website also accepts financial contributions.

Supplies are sorted and stored in a Chettisham warehouse, with donations accepted if well within their expiry date.

The Ely Rotary Club welcomes new members, contact: info@rotaryclubofely.co.uk.