Yvonne Long brings us her weekly round-up of news from Soham.

Soham Community Group.

Members of The Monday Club met at The Causeway on the morning of Monday, August 19.

When everyone was seated, refreshments were served. Everyone was pleased to welcome Angela and her pat dog Lily. The entertainment on this occasion was Michael Antony with a variety of music.

Lunch was served and then came the raffle, called by Carol Sennett, assisted by Rosie Drage. The prizes were donated by the members. Birthday greetings were sung to Rosie Drage.

Refreshments were served once again before everyone enjoyed games of bingo. The caller was Rosie Drage, assisted by Jean Gammon checking the books and giving out the prizes donated by Andrew Fleet.

During the afternoon, Ed Chivers presented Michael Antony with the portrait he had painted of him. 

Community Care Coffee morning

On the morning of Tuesday, August 20, David Jaye welcomed everyone to the coffee morning in The Pavilion. Everyone enjoys meeting up with friends to chat and catch up with the latest news.

During the morning, David organised the raffle. New members always welcome to these get-togethers, from 9am to 11am in The Pavilion.

Comrades Club

The bingo enthusiasts met once again in the Comrades Club on the evening of Tuesday, August 20. It was eyes-down at 7.30pm for the 25 people taking part. During the break for refreshments, the raffle was organised. New members always welcome, doors open at 7pm for eyes-down at 7.30pm.

Over 60s Club

Ruth Ginn welcomed everyone on the afternoon of Friday, August 23. Ruth introduced the speaker for the afternoon who was Peter Harris who gave a very interesting illustrated account of his work with the orphans in Cambodia and other places.

He is currently raising funds to provide homes and a school for these children. Ruth gave the vote-of-thanks.

Refreshment was served followed by the raffle organised by Molly Brown. The club would welcome more members who meet in The Pavillion every Friday afternoon from 2pm to 3.45pm. Entry is £2.50 and includes a raffle ticket. The meeting closed with the singing of the club hymn.