Residents on a busy road in Ely have been left with concerns after Cambridgeshire County Council launched a proposal for double yellow lines to be installed on the street.

The waiting restrictions are proposed for a section of Lynn Road, between house numbers 44 and 68. The proposals have been brought about by the new Orchards Green development. 

As part of the planning permission granted for the development, there was a requirement to look into installing a shared use footpath and cycleway on Lynn Road from the junction with Egremont Street to Chettisham. The developer is looking at installing double yellow lines on the road to make this a possibility.

However, residents of Lynn Road have raised their concerns and fears about the waiting restrictions as it would lead to a loss of parking on the road, as the on-street parking between numbers 44 and 68 is used by many.

One Lynn Road resident, who does not wish to be named, said: "If the parking bays between numbers 44 to 68 Lynn Road are yellow lined, this will drastically devalue the price of these properties.

"It will also be seriously detrimental to life for residents that are elderly, disabled, or young families with small children. If they have to park further away from their properties or potentially park and cross busy roads it could lead to accidents."

Another resident added: "We have a first responder who needs their car outside their house and people with physical disabilities who will need access too. It will also impact deliveries and work people."

A spokesperson for Cambridgeshire County Council said: "At this stage, these are only proposals and we’re carrying out an informal consultation asking for comments to be sent to by 13 September, quoting reference PR0945.

"We’d like to hear from people before we consider whether a Traffic Regulation Order would be feasible and as part of that whether a statutory public consultation would be required."