East Cambridgeshire District Council has approved plans for warehouses to be built in Littleport.

At a council Planning Committee Meeting on August 7, the panel heard an application for two new warehouses to be built on Lynn Road in Littleport.

The plans were submitted by Unit One Store Ltd, who are a local company specialising in the storage of art as well as offering photography space.

During the meeting the committee were told how the two new warehouses would boost the employment not only for the company but for Littleport too. As it stands, Unit One Store have 17 employees - however at the meeting, the application agent, Ms Katie Woods, said that the number would, "increase significantly".

An East Cambridgeshire District Council planning officer reported that the application has come from a "successful business", which the councillors agreed with.

The officer also confirmed that there were no objections to the plans on the grounds of flood risk or drainage.

Councillors raised concerns about the number of parking spaces proposed if the new warehouses were to be permitted, questioning whether there would be enough. Both the agent and applicant assured councillors that there would be ample parking.

Following on from questions, the committee credited the application's promise to boost employment figures in Littleport. In a final vote, the plans were unanimously approved by the Planning Committee.