Ely Cathedral has won a top award for its commitment to environmental issues.

After reducing its carbon emissions by 42 per cent since 2019, the gold Eco Church Award makes them only the third cathedral in the UK to secure the title.

This award, given by Christian conservation charity A Rocha UK, comes amid numerous sustainable initiatives at the cathedral.

This includes reduced paper use through digitised service sheets, routine litter picks, a smart approach to food waste, and collaboration with Fareshare, a charity providing meals from surplus food.

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Plans for a new orchard are also underway.

Helen Stephens, church relations manager, said: “Our huge congratulations to Ely Cathedral on their well-deserved gold Eco Church award.

"Everything about their approach sets them out as an exemplar of what it means to be a gold awarded church."

Established in 2019, RENEW, Ely Cathedral's community environment group, joined forces with the Cathedral Chapter's Environment Working Group in 2021 to meet their net zero targets using the Eco Church framework.

The Very Revd Mark Bonney, The Dean of Ely, added: "It is enormously gratifying that our care for God's creation has been recognised in this way."