Charlotte Cane has reflected on her time as MP for Ely and East Cambridgeshire since winning the General Election in July. 

Ms Cane took the seat on July 4 with 17,127 votes and a majority of 495 over her predecessor Lucy Frazer. 

Ms Frazer served as the Secretary of State for Culture, Digital Media and Sport since February 2023. 

In an interview with the Ely Standard, Ms Cane said she had found Westminster "very challenging", but that she has managed to find her way to the Commons chamber. 

She said: "We don't have an office yet, so we're having to hot-desk while we recruit staff and get allocated a proper room. 

"While not having a permanent office has proved difficult at times, it's been a great advantage to meet my Lib Dem colleagues - we've taken over two committee rooms, so we rub shoulders all the time."

Ms Cane joins 72 Lib Dem MPs to sit in the House of Commons in what is a historic number for the party under Sir Ed Davey's leadership. 

Serving as the leader of East Cambridgeshire District Council in 1992, Ms Cane who first stood in the 2019 General Election said one of her main priorities is the environment. 

She took aim at the Energy Secretary's recent decision to approve the Sunnica Solar Farm

The proposed 2,500-acre scheme consists of a solar and battery plant.  

It is set to be located across three sites: Sunnica East Site A, near Isleham; Sunnica East Site B, near Feckenham and Worlington; and Sunnica West Site A, near Chippenham and Kennett.  

Ms Cane said: "I had a meeting with Sunnica and I'm keeping in touch with councillors who are dealing with them quite closely. 

"In many ways it's now a waiting game and we need to decide if the lawyers think that there's justification and likelihood of winning a judicial review."

Having recently joined the All Party Parliamentary Group on Climate Change, Ms Cane said the environment is a concern for a number of constituents along with highways and local business. 

She said: "I'm trying to get a meeting with the main social housing provider in East Cambridgeshire to discuss making properties more environmentally friendly. 

"The condition of the roads also comes up a lot, which is why I've set up a regular monthly meeting with the highways team at Cambridgeshire County Council.

"So we're starting to make progress on casework."

Asked about her highlights in Westminster, Ms Cane said the chance to present a petition backing the Climate and Nature Bill in Downing Street was a "great moment" along with the chance to vote on removing the two child benefit cap.