The family of a young boy who died after having an allergic reaction at school will have to wait until 2025 to hear the inquest into his death.

Five-year-old Benedict Blythe collapsed at Barnack Primary School in Stamford, near Peterborough, in December 2021 after having an allergic reaction.

The young pupil died later that day in hospital after the arrival of an air ambulance.

The family’s solicitor, Turan Hursit KC, said she does not yet know if the family will attend the inquest as they still feel "exceptionally traumatised".

She added that the family would prefer things are "done properly", even if that means a delay to the inquest date.

Recommended Reading: Benedict Blythe Foundation allergy law change plea

Benedict was allergic to dairy, eggs, peanuts, sesame and chickpeas. The cause of his anaphylaxis is still unknown.

The first day of evidence was initially scheduled to take place on Thursday, July 25 at Cambridgeshire Coroner’s Court, but complications meant it couldn’t go ahead.

Area coroner Elizabeth Gray said the earliest it will now take place is March 25, but it could be as late as June 30 2025.

The hearing is expected to last seven days over a two week period. Another pre-inquest hearing is set to take place on October 30.