Residents and campaigners from across East Cambridgeshire have slammed the Government's decision to approve a "flawed" 2,500 acre solar farm. 

The £600m Sunnica Solar Farm on the Cambridgeshire-Suffolk border was given the green light by Energy Secretary Ed Miliband on Friday, July 12. 

It could power up to 172,000 homes and help the government reach its net-zero targets.

Newly-elected MP for Ely and East Cambridgeshire, Charlotte Cane attacked what she described as "rushed approval" of the scheme. 

Charlotte Cane is the MP for Ely and East Cambridgeshire.Charlotte Cane is the MP for Ely and East Cambridgeshire. (Image: Charlotte Cane)

She said: “This vast Solar Farm marches through large swathes of my constituency. The examiner spent years carefully considering all the issues and all the representations.

The decision came just days after the Chancellor said that  she and the transport secretary would prioritise decisions on infrastructure projects that have been "sitting unresolved".

Mr Miliband granted the Development Consent Order to Sunnica along with two other major solar power projects: Mallow Pass Solar Project and Gate Burton. 

The decision on whether to approve the Sunnica Energy Farm was delayed for a fourth time in June until after the General Election. 

The proposed scheme has been in the making for more than five years and has been met with widespread opposition from MPs, parish, town, district and county councils.

Opponents say the scheme productive land out of use, while ignoring alternative sites such as south-facing commercial roof space.

The proposals have been met with widespread opposition from MPs, parish, town, district and county councils.The proposals have been met with widespread opposition from MPs, parish, town, district and county councils. (Image: Newsquest)

Chair of the Say No to Sunnica action group, Catherine Judkins, said: "We are devastated at this surprise decision by the new government that has gone completely against the recommendations of the examiners appointed by the Planning Inspectorate who rigorously examined the scheme over a six-month period.

"These qualified, professional and impartial examiners visited the sites, scrutinised thousands of pages of detailed evidence - much of which identified serious flaws and deceptions with this scheme and the many negative impacts it would have – and they listened to all parties at public hearings.

"They concluded that the perceived benefits did not outweigh the very many harms and it should not be approved.

She added: "And yet this informed, expert recommendation has been overridden on a Friday evening, just a week after the new government came in. It is appalling and erodes any trust in our planning system."

Chair of the Say No to Sunnica action group, Catherine Judkins, said the decision to approve the solar farm is appalling. Chair of the Say No to Sunnica action group, Catherine Judkins, said the decision to approve the solar farm is appalling. (Image: Catherine Judkins)

The proposed Sunnica Energy Farm would be located across three sites: Sunnica East Site A, near Isleham; Sunnica East Site B, near Feckenham and Worlington; and Sunnica West Site A, near Chippenham and Kennett.  

MP Charlotte Cane, added: "With just one week’s consideration, the Secretary of State has decided that he knows better and has given permission.

“Green energy is vital and solar farms are key to meeting our net zero targets. But that must not mean that every solar farm application should get permission regardless of its impact on our food security, biodiversity, landscape character and our existing farming and horse racing businesses."

MP for Ely and East Cambridgeshire Charlotte Cane described the approval of Sunnica Solar Farm as rushed. MP for Ely and East Cambridgeshire Charlotte Cane described the approval of Sunnica Solar Farm as rushed.

A spokesperson for Sunnica said: "Sunnica is immensely pleased with the decision by the Secretary of State for Energy Security and Net Zero to grant development consent for Sunnica Energy Farm.

"Sunnica would make a nationally significant contribution towards the UK’s legal obligation to reach net zero emissions by 2050 and its ongoing energy security.

"This important milestone and the decision by the Secretary of State has come after many months of intense scrutiny and robust engagement with the planning process, and wider public consultations.

"We will now move forward towards the implementation phase, ultimately allowing us to create clean renewable energy for the UK, and look forward to meeting with local authorities and the wider community to plan the next steps."