Yvonne Long brings the news from community groups in Soham.

The Monday Club

Members of The Monday Club met once again at The Causeway Centre ,on the morning of July 1.

When everyone had arrived and was seated, refreshments were served. The entertainment was provided by Peter Harris who gave a very informative and interesting talk on his work in Cambodia.

His talk was illustrated with a slide show and a collection was made for this worthy cause and this was followed by a round of applause. Lunch was then served.

A few announcements were given out regarding a forthcoming trip and entertainment. Carol thanked everyone for there contributions of prizes every week for the raffle. Birthdays this week included: Dawn Chivers and volunteer Jean Gammon.

The raffle came next, with Carol Sennet assisted by Jean Gammon giving out the prizes. Refreshments were served followed by games of bingo with Claire and Jean.

Community Care Coffee Morning

On the morning of July 2, 23 people joined Roger Holliday and David Jaye in The Pavilion. There was lots of chat and laughter catching up on the latest news. An outing for a cream tea at Scottsdale’s was discussed with David and a date will be arranged.

Roger organised the raffle. New members always welcome, session runs from 9am to 11am every Tuesday in The Pavilion.

Comrades Club Bingo

On the evening of July 2, it was eyes-down for the 25 people enjoying games of bingo in The Comrades Club. During the break for refreshments, the raffle was drawn. New members welcome, doors open at 7pm for eyes-down at 7.30pm.

Over 60s Club

On  the afternoon of July 5, Ruth Ginn welcomed members to the meeting. Members welcomed George Ginn back after his recovery from a having a hip replacement.

Unfortunately, the afternoon's entertainment was not available. Ruth and Yvonne Long put together a session on poems and a singalong and Ruth spoke about her family and this was accompanied by photographs.

Richard Badcock and Shirley Sizer served refreshments and this was followed by the raffle.

Richard reminded members to be at the Cherry Tree on Friday (July 12) at midday for lunch at 12.30. The meeting was brought to a close with the singing of the club hymn.

Methodists News

Coffee morning in the Church Hall on July 12, from 10am till midday. Everyone welcome.


The meeting of the Engage sessions will be moving to the first Thursday of each month from September. The sessions are from 10am to 11.30am. An ideal opportunity to make new friends, listen to interesting speakers and enjoy refreshments.

A donation of £2 toward speakers and refreshment would be appreciated.