Despite the inclement weather, thousands headed to Ely riverside this year for Ely's annual Aquafest. 

The Rotary Club of Ely and the Hereward Club held the event last weekend, on July 7.  

It took place in the Jubilee Gardens, Lavender Green and along the River Great Ouse, and was well supported with a full line-up of diverse festivities.

Aquafest has been held almost every year since 1978 and is organised entirely by the Rotary clubs of Ely.

Live music, dancing, and various performances dominated the afternoon schedule at both venues, alongside rafting activities and demonstrations at the river.

Visitors were also treated to arena events including funfairs, games and the highly-anticipated raft race, which commenced at 12.45pm. 

Food and drink was readily available from a variety of vendors serving beer, cocktails, sweets, ice creams, burgers, hog roasts, and even Tibetan momos.

The event was formally opened at midday by the Mayor and Mayoress of Ely Chris Phillips and Mary Rone.

Fenland Boats swept to victory in the raft race, completing the course in 15.11 minutes. 

Halo took second place with 17.26 minutes, while Ouse Watch came third with 19.24  minutes.