Acting bishop of Ely, the Rt Rev Dr Dagmar Winter, presented certificates to two people who have made outstanding contributions to last year’s annual Ride & Stride fundraising event.

Mary Slark and Jayne White were presented with their certificates at Ely Cathedral.

Since it was founded in 1983 Cambridgeshire Historic Churches Trust (CHCT) has encouraged people of all ages to be sponsored to visit as many churches as possible, on foot or by bicycle, on the second Saturday in September.

Over the years, CHCT has raised and distributed more than £3 million in loans and more than £1 million in grants to help preserve, develop and renovate many of the county’s 300,plus churches of all denominations.

As the maintenance of church buildings is the responsibility of each local community, CHCT is hoping many more will take part in this year’s Ride & Stride on September 14.

All monies raised can be divided between the Trust and a church of the participants’ choice.

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