Do council know what democracy means?

Like most sensible people, I fully recognise the value of low-speed limits near schools in term time, and indeed, anywhere where people gather and at the times of high activity.

The value of 20mph zones needs careful study, full public consultation and action in line with the wishes of the people.

Most people who have spoken with me about Ely's 'blanket' 20mph have an initial comment: 'I never heard about it' and then 'It's okay in some places and at some times' and then. 'I can't believe the decision was made by one officer after just two county councillors gave the Rubber Stamp'.

Some facts:

Ely has a population of about 20,000 people and a not dissimilar number use Ely as their 'hub'.

195 people responded to the Consultation, with 122 people answering 'yes' to a blanket 24/7  20mph over the large majority of Ely.

A public petition asking the Lib Dem/Labour/Independent controllers of Cambridgeshire County Council to hold a proper Consultation was started about three weeks ago.

So far, 2494 people have supported a new, revised, open, and widely publicised consultation. That's more than 20 times more people saying 'no' rather than 'yes'.  

Not everybody has access to a computer and the county council website is hosting the petition on its website.

When asked to host a hard copy signing facility at Ely Library, the answer was a straight 'no'. Does that mean that those without a computer cannot have vote or hold a point of view?

This is a big issue which will potentially effect our lives for many years to come. Let's undo the current arrangement, start again and do the decision making in an open, fair, transparent and democratic way.

Our democracy is a thing of great value.

Bill Hunt

Cambridge Road Ely resident.


Tickets still available for concert

There are still tickets available for 'A Magical Musical Evening' Concert at St Peter & St Mary Magdalene Church in Fordham on Saturday, June 22 at 7pm.

The evening will feature the ever-popular Wicken Coronation Band and the Church Choir, in an evening of popular and favourite melodies.

Tickets are available for a minimum donation of £5 each obtainable from Carter Street Butchers in Fordham, Fordham Service Station.

John Pryke



Troubled by actions of Election candidates

In recent years, I have found the action of local councillors, MPs, potential councillors, and MPs quite troubling. And this latest general election run has highlighted my concerns even more. 

We are closer to the voting deadline but I have yet to see a single representative canvassing on my street.

know they are canvassing as I've seen the promotional images gracing different social media accounts in more 'affluent' or 'respectable' areas.

Yet, here in High and New Barns, the only evidence of any election is a single leaflet currently thrust into my letter box by a less that friendly Lib Dem member.

A leaflet I might add with some things I'd like to question. Like how in the last leaflet they lamented car travel destroying the climate. While they gladly waste paper with these over sized leaflets. Alas they seem to be the only ones making the very minute effort to garner votes. 

I want to know why Ely's government representatives clearly think so little of areas that don't portray 'middle class aesthetics.' especially when voting numbers are clearly down.

Each party has a chance to encourage votes for themselves, they ignore potential voters and I  can't help but ask is it because of our assumed breeding or education. Do they not view our tick as valuable?


Kerri Copeland

Ely resident