The eldest resident of a care home in Peterborough recently had the chance to meet one of the UK's oldest hamsters.

103-year-old Charlotte, who lives at Hampton Grove in Peterborough, made friends five-year-old Hammy who is 130-years-old is human years.

A comedi-hen chicken also visited the home and had his photo taken while perched on top of a zimmer frame.

Several dogs and cats, meanwhile, sat on laps of delighted residents and enjoyed being stroked and cuddled all afternoon.

Activities leader Lisa May and her team arranged a fabulous afternoon entertainment from Michelle’s Animal Therapy, as guinea pigs, tortoises, rabbits, cats, dogs, chickens and of course Hammy the Hamster joined the residents for afternoon tea and photos.

Activities leader Lisa May said: “Having the animals visit Hampton Grove is a pleasure.

“The residents love seeing them and it helps to stimulates communication, enhances affection and improves the social skills and memory.

“Of course, it puts big smiles on the residents' faces too.”

Beryl, resident ambassador, said: “I love all the animals. If I could keep them, I would.”

Ely Standard: 103-year-old Charlotte, who lives at Hampton Grove in Peterborough, made friends five-year-old

Ely Standard: The chicken was quite a comedi-hen as he had his picture taken sat on top of a zimmer frame

Ely Standard: Cats sat on the laps of delighted residents and were stroked and cuddled all afternoon.