A busy month was had by all at the Inner Wheel Club of Ely.

President Mary Rone attended a Remembrance Sunday parade and laid a wreath. 

Several members attended a joint dinner with the Ely rotary clubs at the city’s golf club and heard a speech from BBC Radio Cambridgeshire presenter Louise Hulland. 

The month finished with a well-attended cheese and wine event at The Old Dispensary, where new member Sadeta Jones spoke about her childhood growing up in Sarajevo in a post-war era. 

“Last year's president Julia Smith told members about the visit she had made on November 14 with Diana Goldstein and Joy Hockey to the East Anglia's Children's Hospice (EACH) in Milton," an Inner Wheel of Ely spokesperson said. 

“EACH was Julia's choice of charity for Inner Wheel Ely to support last year and members were shown around. 

“They were very impressed by the facilities, mentioning in particular the sensory garden and music room.”