On February 6, 1952 we all became the new Elizabethans.

That era was laid to rest on September 19, 2022 as Her Late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II was interred with her father, King George VI, in the family vault at Windsor.

And as we embarked on this new Carolean epoch, prior to the State Funeral, a special service was held at the Parish Church of St George the night before.

Many Littleport residents made the journey to Sandringham to lay flowers in remembrance of Queen Elizabeth – who had also been president of Sandringham Women’s Institute.

Littleport WI meet on the second Tuesday of the month at 7.15pm in Littleport Village Hall.

It marked the new reign at their last meeting with guests Ely Octagon Choir who sang the WI anthem, 'Jerusalem' – and a moving rendition of ‘God Save the King’.

The next meeting on October 11 has speaker Lucy Lewis, who is a bomb disposal expert!

To join them, call 01353 861298 - all women are welcome.

Littleport, founded by King Knut, is steeped in history and The Littleport Society has a vast treasure house of memorabilia of every kind at The Barn.

It is open every Tuesday afternoon and a meeting every first Tuesday of the month.

The next meeting on October 4 is also in the village hall at 7.30pm.

For youngsters, the scouting and guiding groups are busy along with ThePort youth activities organised by Littleport Parish Council youth worker Joanne Coe.

And call the link worker for older people, Kathryn Buck on 07842325135 about what’s on.

The Littleport Library has many free events for all ages, and Saturday, September 24 at 1.30pm, there is a talk, ‘Fig Leaves to Feather Boas’ plus a raffle and refreshments.

And sport goes on apace, too.

Littleport Rangers FC are doing well, as are Littleport Town FC Reserves. See them on September 24, kick-off 3pm at Littleport Leisure Centre.

Littleport, with the country, looks to its future.

And in so doing, echoes the words on the gates to the place wherein now lies Queen Elizabeth spoken by George VI in 1939, from the poem ‘God Knows’ by Minnie Haskins: ‘Give me light that I may tread safely into the unknown.’