Community artist Helen Golden was inspired to create artwork for the offices of Cambridge Samaritans, after experiencing first-hand the support they offer.

"Twenty years ago, I was living with domestic violence and abuse on a daily basis. I felt so ashamed, I could not confide in anyone, not even my closest friends," says Helen.

"In the early hours of the morning, I would wait till the coast was clear and call the Samaritans, never daring to speak above a whisper. Those phone calls literally changed my life.

"They gave me the courage to escape from domestic abuse, file for divorce and begin my life over again.

"Today my life has completely changed. I can honestly say I could not be happier. But I have never forgotten those dark times when I did not know where to turn, and Cambridge Samaritans were there for me. At long last I have found a small way to say thank you."

The artwork was designed in consultation with Brenda Bond, branch director, who suggested an image of a tree, symbolising how the team works together, each contributing in their different ways.

"We are so grateful to Helen, who also raised funds for us last year by doing a sponsored wingwalk.

"Our volunteers have been surprised and delighted to see these fabulous and inspiring pieces. I've loved being involved from the design stage, but I was nervous, as I am definitely no artist. The end result is just wonderful."

Helen continued "I am sure the volunteers hear some sad and upsetting stories - many like mine, and others no doubt far worse. At times they must be left feeling disheartened and wishing they could have done more. I hope these pictures will help lift their spirits and remind them of the countless number of callers such as myself, whose lives they have helped to change for the better."

The service is free. Call: 116123 or email: